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PacketZoom Release Notes
October 1, 2016

PacketZoom Speed 3.2.6 iOS. We are also releasing support for multiple development platforms. Feature releases are being released with production quality and PacketZoom recommends that you use the latest SDK for your publically facing apps. If you want to explore the new capabilities, then use the feature release in a test environment. As with any performance related product remember that to see true performance improvements, a statistically significant number of data points needs to be collected and measured.

Product Description:

PacketZoom provides an in application technology that is designed to speed up mobile apps by removing performance roadblocks in WIFI and cellular networks. We are able to download content (static and dynamic) 2-3x faster and make the connections more reliable using the PacketZoom Connection Assurance. This results in longer user sessions, higher engagement and a better user experience.

What’s new in PacketZoom Speed SDK 3.2.6 iOS

Features and Functionality

List of new PacketZoom features since last public release announcement:

  1. HTTP optimizer service: A new, free developer service which automatically optimizes your code in runtime, customizing various HTTP parameters for different network types and carriers based on location of the user and time of the request. It also provides considerable network analytics.
  2. Support for accelerating dynamic calls(API): We support dynamic content acceleration such as API calls and also make these call more reliable.
  3. Support for armv8-64 bit architecture: We have added support for 64 bit architecture.
  4. Client-side caching support: We added support for client-side caching so that data can be cached on the user’s device. This makes data access of the locally stored files very fast as it does not involve any network connection request to the origin/CDN.
  5. Fast Cache Purging (server-side and client-side): In this release we wanted to give more control to the developer on the both client and server-side cache. We have added the new feature of cache purging on both client and server-side.
  6. PacketZoom Connection Assurance: When users switch networks or go through a dead zone, files will continue to be delivered. The way our service is designed, we can rescue these sessions which would have suffered a disconnection event otherwise and continue the transfer when a new network connection is established.
  7. A/B testing: We have added the A/B testing feature into the dashboard with which you control the percentage of sessions that are using PacketZoom vs Non-PacketZoom.
  8. New Dashboard: We have redesigned the dashboard to provide more insights, make it more intuitive and improve the user experience.
  9. More POPs on more public clouds (EC2, SoftLayer,, DigitalOcean...): With the increase in the traffic that is using PacketZoom we have been adding more pops across multiple public and private cloud providers around the world depending on the region to serve the growing traffic.
  10. Real time health status page: We added a health status page of all our servers globally that shows the health of the servers and reports of any incidents.
  11. PacketZoom Network Knowledge Engine: With more apps using PacketZoom Speed service, millions of devices collect billions of data points globally. We are now utilizing this data in our system to improve performance at a per user level, which makes the service more fine tuned to serve content faster and more reliably.
  12. Bug fixes and performance enhancements: The release includes fixes to service, dashboard and added performance enhancements.

iOS Newly Supported Platforms

  1. Unity Plugin: added support for version 5.x
  2. Cordova Support: added support for Cordova iOS version 4.0.0 and above.
  3. Adobe Air Extension: added support for Apache Flex version 4.15